We are using a very old version of FCKEditor as our rich text editor. Since FCKEditor supports uploading file from the editor, we need to change the code in editor/filemanager/connectors/php/command.php. Here is an example of getting the folder and files for the file browser.
function GetFoldersAndFiles( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) { $sServerDir = MapAzureFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder); $blobs = $blobStorageClient->listBlobs($ContainerName, $sServerDir, '/'); $aFolders = array(); $aFiles = array(); $folders = GetSessionFolders($resourceType, $currentFolder); foreach($blobs as $blob){ $name = GetName($blob->Name); if ($blob->IsPrefix){ $folders[$name] = 0; } else { $iFileSize = $blob->Size; if ( !$iFileSize ) { $iFileSize = 0 ; } if ( $iFileSize > 0 ) { $iFileSize = round( $iFileSize / 1024 ) ; if ( $iFileSize < 1 ) $iFileSize = 1 ; } $aFiles[] = '<File name="' . ConvertToXmlAttribute( $name ) . '" size="' . $iFileSize . '" />' ; } } foreach($folders as $name => $value){ $aFolders[] = '<Folder name="' . ConvertToXmlAttribute( $name ) . '" />' ; } }It is worth to mention the GetSessionFolders() function. Azure Storage does not have concept of folder. All folders are actually derived by the paths of the files. So, when listing the blobs, we can use
to distinguish the derived folders and the files.If a user want to create a folder and upload the file to the folder, we need to put the folder into the session. That is how GetSessionFolders() function come from.
When upload a file, we have to handle the Flash format. It seems that modern browsers are intelligent enough to recognize image files like JPEG, GIF, PNG without the content type. When it comes to Flash file, it could not be played properly.
function FileUpload( $resourceType, $currentFolder, $sCommand ) { ... $sFileName = 'uploadedfiles/'. strtolower($resourceType).$currentFolder.$sFileName; $result = $blobStorageClient->putBlob($ContainerName, $sFileName, $oFile['tmp_name']); if(strtolower($resourceType) == 'flash') { $contentType = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; $blobStorageClient->setBlobProperties($ContainerName, $sFileName, null, array('x-ms-blob-content-type' => $contentType)); } $sFileUrl = $currentFolder.$sFileName; ... }
For the ASP.NET portal, we have to do the same. Under /editor/filemanager/connectors/aspx/connector.aspx, we changed the first line to
<%@ Page Language="c#" Trace="false" Inherits="FCKAzureAdapter.Connector" AutoEventWireup="false" %>
The connector is simply extending FredCK.FCKeditorV2.FileBrowser.Connector and override the GetFiles(), GetFolders(), and CreateFolder() methods with Azure API. Here is an example of GetFolders():
protected override void GetFolders(System.Xml.XmlNode connectorNode, string resourceType, string currentFolder) { string sServerDir = this.ServerMapFolder(resourceType, currentFolder); // Create the "Folders" node. XmlNode oFoldersNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement(connectorNode, "Folders"); CloudBlobContainer container = GetCloudBlobContainer(containerPath); var dir = container.GetDirectoryReference(folder); var items = dir.ListBlobs(); List<string> dirList = new List<string>(); foreach (var x in items.OfType<CloudBlobDirectory>()) { dirList.Add(x.Uri.ToString()); } var dirs = dirList.Select(o => o.Substring(o.LastIndexOf('/', o.Length - 2)).Replace("/", "")).ToArray(); Dictionary<string, List<string>> folderList = HttpContext.Current.Session["Folders"] as Dictionary<string, List<string>>; foreach (var dir in dirs) { // Create the "Folder" node. XmlNode oFolderNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement(oFoldersNode, "Folder"); var dirName = dir.Uri.GetName(); XmlUtil.SetAttribute(oFolderNode, "name", dirName); if (folderList != null && folderList.ContainsKey(resourceType) && folderList[resourceType].Contains(dirName)) { folderList[resourceType].Remove(dirName); } } if (folderList != null && folderList.ContainsKey(resourceType)) { foreach (var folder in folderList[resourceType].Where(o => o != currentFolder && o.StartsWith(currentFolder))) { var folderName = folder.Substring(currentFolder.Length).Trim('/'); if (!folderName.Contains('/')) { // Create the "Folder" node. XmlNode oFolderNode = XmlUtil.AppendElement(oFoldersNode, "Folder"); XmlUtil.SetAttribute(oFolderNode, "name", folderName); } } } }Then, we do the same for editor/filemanager/connectors/aspx/upload.aspx.
Next time, we will discuss what other problems we have encountered.
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